Oliver Quamme-Sapp Benefit
Live Bidding Benefit Benefit for 3-Year-Old Boy with Cancer, Oliver Quamme Sapp. Oliver Quamme Sapp’s Family has Been Overwhelmed with Medical Costs as well as Loss of Work to be With Young Oliver. We Are Calling to the Community to Come and Help this Fine Young Boy and His Family. 100% of Proceeds Go to Oliver Quamme Sapp and His Family.
Wednesday July 26th, 2023, at 6:00 PM, Location: Vang Lutheran Church, 2060 Co. 49 Blvd, Dennison, MN 55946, Red Cross Blood Mobile Will Conduct a Blood Drive 12PM-6PM at Vang Lutheran Church, Same Day as Benefit Auction
2060 Co. 49 Blvd , Dennison , Minnesota 55018